The Rider Tarot Deck
The Rider Tarot Deck
Here is a description of your product. Phasellus non nibh dictum, pellentesque dui non, malesuada nunc. Sed vel purus ut libero faucibus tristique. Integer molestie ipsum mauris, id interdum quam sagittis at. Suspendisse eget magna sed neque mattis rhoncus.
Praesent tincidunt pulvinar augue tempor pharetra. Nulla vestibulum nibh accumsan sapien mattis, in imperdiet dui facilisis. Proin varius egestas nibh at commodo. Vivamus ultricies nisl tortor, nec euismod purus tincidunt ac.
What Customers Are Saying About Rider-Waite® Tarot Deck
What exactly is it about this deck? Today there are literally hundreds of tarot decks to choose from, most of which are artistically superior to this seemingly rudimentary little deck. And yet, those many decks, which use subtle colors, modern printing techniques and even computer imaging, fail to compete with it. Why? The Rider deck truly has a soul, and its images shoot straight to the heart. People can often "intuitively" read this deck without any previous experience with the tarot. If the point of art is to make you feel your humanity, this deck's art is truly amazing. For all its coarse lines and flat colors, the deck somehow rises above itself, gracefully conveying all aspects of the human condition. The Rider deck is a perfect first and last deck. Pamela Colman Smith's unique symbolism ranges from the simple to the truly arcane ... It stirs the psyche and livens the soul. If you are in the market for a deck, my advice is to look not only with your eyes, but with your heart. The Rider deck is not as "glittery" as some of its more modern counterparts, but in the long run it is a wonderful and rewarding tarot without equal.
— Andryh, Amazon customer
This is the standard tarot deck that all others are measured against. Images tie directly to the traditional meaning of the cards. Considered one of the easiest decks to learn and to read from.
— Maggie, goodreads
In years past, I believed in divination. I had a large collection of Tarot decks--a couple dozen--and I enjoyed studying the meanings of the cards. I no longer believe that fortune telling actually works. However, the Tarot remains a valuable art form and tool. People are correct to describe it as "Seventy eight degrees of wisdom," as the cards symbolically cover the entirety of human experience. For that reason, they are excellent for meditation and contemplating life. Writers and artists can use them to exercise their creativity. Not all Tarot decks are created equal. The Rider-Waite, though, has all the symbolism exactly right. The art is simple yet beautiful. To me, this is the ideal deck.
— Jonathan Fesmire, goodreads